2015 was spent finishing yearbook scanning and work on the historical narrative of the school's history. We have a Wikipedia entry almost ready to upload. We have also continued research on the history of Warrenton and the schools.
Two issues that have slowed our progress are a failed API and the search for a missing yearbook. An API is an application program interface or a set of programming instructions that allow a web page to interact with a web based application or software tool. In this case, it was a script that allowed us to automatically populate our yearbook page with icon links to the yearbook digital copies that are stored on the Maine Repository server. The original problem was in the display of the icons that made the hyperlinks inoperable, and the API is now completely inoperable. I am waiting for a reply regarding the status of the API. Can it be fixed or will it be discontinued. While I am waiting, I am making preparation to redesign the yearbook page by adding the icons and hyperlinks individually. Since we have a limited number of files and will not be continuing to add, this will be effective but is slowing us down.
The second issue has been time consuming but an intriguing mystery. We have currently scanned all of the yearbooks for both schools except the 1966 Witness. I have sent out several appeals for a copy of the 66 Witness on both the high school and college facebook pages, via the email list, personal emails to students who were present in 1966, phone calls to a few individuals, and personal conversations. All to no avail. I was particularly surprised after contacting Mrs. Duff, Mrs. Troester's family, Ben Conant, and John DeCoster (who operated the school print shop during that time) to find that none of them had a copy. Given my OCD tendencies, I finally decided to send a letter via USPS to alumni of the classes of 1966-68 which included a self addressed stamped reply post card. After two months, I have received only about one third of these post cards. While I have not made contact with all members within this group, those who have responded do not have copies of this yearbook. Based on this evidence I am moving ahead and assuming that it is likely that a 66 Witness was never produced. (However, if you are reading this and own a copy, please contact me so that we make arrangements to scan it.)
Once I recreate the yearbook page, I will publish the website address. I will continue to work on the Wikipedia entry, the history of Warrenton and Christian Schools, Inc. and add digital artifacts as I receive them.
Two issues that have slowed our progress are a failed API and the search for a missing yearbook. An API is an application program interface or a set of programming instructions that allow a web page to interact with a web based application or software tool. In this case, it was a script that allowed us to automatically populate our yearbook page with icon links to the yearbook digital copies that are stored on the Maine Repository server. The original problem was in the display of the icons that made the hyperlinks inoperable, and the API is now completely inoperable. I am waiting for a reply regarding the status of the API. Can it be fixed or will it be discontinued. While I am waiting, I am making preparation to redesign the yearbook page by adding the icons and hyperlinks individually. Since we have a limited number of files and will not be continuing to add, this will be effective but is slowing us down.
The second issue has been time consuming but an intriguing mystery. We have currently scanned all of the yearbooks for both schools except the 1966 Witness. I have sent out several appeals for a copy of the 66 Witness on both the high school and college facebook pages, via the email list, personal emails to students who were present in 1966, phone calls to a few individuals, and personal conversations. All to no avail. I was particularly surprised after contacting Mrs. Duff, Mrs. Troester's family, Ben Conant, and John DeCoster (who operated the school print shop during that time) to find that none of them had a copy. Given my OCD tendencies, I finally decided to send a letter via USPS to alumni of the classes of 1966-68 which included a self addressed stamped reply post card. After two months, I have received only about one third of these post cards. While I have not made contact with all members within this group, those who have responded do not have copies of this yearbook. Based on this evidence I am moving ahead and assuming that it is likely that a 66 Witness was never produced. (However, if you are reading this and own a copy, please contact me so that we make arrangements to scan it.)
Once I recreate the yearbook page, I will publish the website address. I will continue to work on the Wikipedia entry, the history of Warrenton and Christian Schools, Inc. and add digital artifacts as I receive them.